Sunday 24 March 2013


After testing blogger I observed that it doesn't recognize the [code] tags used to syntax-highlight code (like wordpress), and there are a few alternatives like adding some lines to the template code or using an online service to generate syntax-highlighted HTML for your code.

I wrote a Chrome extension that allows you to syntax-highlight code. It makes a POST request to the API at with the code body, language,style etc and all processing happens server-side. uses pygments at its core.

It's a popup window that allows you to paste code, select language and highlighting colour scheme.

Clicking the Highlight button will replace the code in the textarea with the generated HTML and show a preview below.

Download (Load unpacked extension in Chrome and point to the extracted folder)

Have any suggestions, issues, bugs , requests? :

This is by no means a finished product, and I will probably publish it to the Chrome web store once stable.

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